
A guide for Loadium’ s AppDynamics Integration

AppDynamics is a software analytics company which offers performance management solutions enabling developers to diagnose and fix application performance problems in real time.

Using Loadium’s integration with AppDynamics, developers can easily monitor their application performance levels while load testing it. Loadium users can now easily incorporate key performance metrics from AppDynamics into their test scenarios to more quickly identify hot spots in the system under test.

Not only are you able to view your application monitoring data alongside your user-experience and performance data, but this data is accessible for you even after the test has ended.

Setting Up Loadium App Dynamics Integration

Creating Profile

While creating a new test or editing an existing one, you’ll find AppDynamics option under APM Integration tab.

Note : Filling all the fields under 'Basic Settings' Tab is needed to run test after APM integration.

Button number '2' allows you to select an existing profile or create new one.

If you need a new App Dynamics profile, first, you will have to integrate your AppDynamics account's details by entering the required details.

Second, you can select proper metrics.

Usage During Test

Afterwards, Run Test will direct you to report page. From the report page you can go to App Dynamics tab as shown.

At this page we can see our metrics that we selected previously. By clicking the checkbox near by metrics, we can start monitoring the data graphically.

Enjoy testing!

Quick StartJMeter Test

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Last updated