
What is , How to Use & Things to Pay Attention

What is Geolocation?

Loadium, in brief, is a pipeline tool that allows you to command remote servers to send requests to your system. These remote servers are physically located in many places around the world. Loadium is integrated with Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud engine providers.

Loadium's Geolocation feature allows you to select the desired location to receive requests from. Moreover, the location that is chosen for the servers might have impact on the test depending on the configuration or the location of the receiving servers.

Why is it Important?

One crucial reason to utilize geolocation feature could be the location of the receiving server. For example, if the receiving server is located in Asia, the geolocation for requesting servers advised to be selected close to Asia, otherwise the average connection time (the time that it takes a request to reach to receiving server) will be higher than usual. This situation might cause the test to be executed slower, affecting it negatively.

Another reason to utilize geolocation could be using multi location feature to distribute the incoming heavy traffic to achieve more natural, realistic test. Moreover, besides achieving a realistic test, receiving traffic from multiple locations could be more friendly with the ISP's and server configurations. Because sometimes, ISP's or the server's configurations (load balancer etc.) might not act as expected (ISP's might interpret it as DDoS situation, or the load balancer could not distribute the requests properly) if it's coming from only one location.

Available Regions

Amazon Web Services

  • EU - Ireland

  • EU - Frankfurt

  • EU - London

  • EU - Paris

  • US East - Ohio

  • US East - N. Virginia

  • US West - N. California

  • US West - Oregon

  • Canada - Central

  • Asia Pacific - Tokyo

  • Asia Pacific - Seoul

  • Asia Pacific - Singapore

  • Asia Pacific - Sydney

  • Asia Pacific - Mumbai

  • South America - Sao Paulo

Microsoft Azure

  • Germany West Central

  • Australia Central

  • Canada East

  • Central India

  • Central US

  • East US

  • Japan East

  • North Europe

  • South Central Us

  • UAE North

  • West Europe

  • West US

  • Sweden Central

Google Cloud Platform

  • Belgium

  • Zurich

How to Use Geolocation

After you select your test type from "New Test" page, you will be presented with Geolocation configuration at the lower section of the page.

Here, you will be able to select the desired region, and the amount for the load engines.

Multiple regions can be added to the configuration.

Note: The total engine count in the "Geolocation" section must be equal to the engine count in "Configuration" section.

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