Jenkins Load Testing with Loadium

Integration and more

What is Jenkins?

Jenkins is an open source web based continuous integration tool. It support operation like triggering automated tests, starting a build or making a commit to a version control system.

You can install Loadium’s Jenkins plugin from Jenkins market place. You need to navigate “Manage Jenkins” menu then “Manage Plugins“. You need to search Loadium keyword in the Available tab.

After the installation, you need to add your Loadium credentials inside Jenkins.

How to Add Loadium Credentials to Jenkins

  • Open the Credentials menu in Jenkins’ welcome screen

  • Navigate to “Global” credentials in that screen

  • Select “Add Credential” link

Credentials page will ask you to fill some fields.

  • ID: Choose something differentiating than the other credentials stored in Jenkins

  • Description: Description of the plugin, you can give anything

  • Username: Your Loadium account’s username

  • Password: Your Loadium account’s password

Fill out those fields and click Test Connection button to validate your credentials. In case it’s a success, you’ll receive “Connection to Loadium Server is succesfull” message. If not, you’ll be warned with an error message.

How to Add Loadium Plugin to Your CI Pipeline

  • Navigate to an Item in Jenkins main page to enable Loadium’s plugin.

  • In Build Step, you’ll see “Loadium Performance Test Runner Plugin” option.

  • Choose this one.

  • Choose the credential that you created previously.

  • Then plugin will fetch the projects you created in Loadium and fill “Loadium Test” combobox.

  • Select the desired test to run and save your Jenkins Item.

Right now, you will be able to run any performance test in Loadium in your CI/CD pipeline.

Enjoy load testing!

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Last updated