Send Email

Guide for using send email feature

It is possible to be notified with ‘Send Email Feature’ of Loadium, about the status of your tests. This feature is located on the new test starting pages, at the bottom of the page.

After uploading your test files and determining the parameters, you can decide on which cases you want to be notified via email.

The Cases:

  • Test Started

  • Test Finished

  • Test Failed

You can choose among these specific cases. Besides your own email address, you can add different email addresses to this area, and let your team members know about test status.

As shown above, you can follow these steps;

  1. Turn on the Send Email button,

  2. Add an email address,

  3. Select one or more rule labels and click on the ‘Add’ button.

You can add email addresses one by one and edit them later. You can delete or update them by changing the rule labels in line with your needs.

Please contact us, if you have any questions or recommendations.

Last updated