TeamCity Integration

What is TeamCity?

TeamCity is a Java-based build management and continuous integration server from JetBrains. You can use TeamCity to trigger your Load Testing process by using Loadium’s plugin.

Installation Steps

  • You can install Loadium’s TeamCity plugin from Jetbrains market place. Follow this link to download plugin.

  • After downloading Loadium’s plugin zip file, open your TeamCity administration panel. Go to “Plugin List” menu and install downloaded plugin by uploading it into your TeamCity server.

How to Use Integration?

  • There’s an Integration section under Administration page. You’ll find Loadium under it after a successful installation. Select Loadium plugin.

  • Enter your Loadium credentials and save them. Click “Test Connection” button to validate your credentials.

  • Go to the project’s “Build Settings” where you want to execute performance test. Add a new Build Step. Choose Loadium as Runner Type. You can give a free text as step name.

  • In case your credentials are ok, your Loadium project will be loaded under “Loadium Test List” combobox.

  • Click Save to save your Build Step.

  • Run your test and see the test runs like a charm. You can take a logs if you want and watch the execution status.

Enjoy testing!

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